Discover the tools
Here you find the information about the current tools.
Explore all the courses on LTH.
With this tool you can track the progression of any course from its birth.
Get stats such as how many passed a course or if a course has a balanced workload.
Have an overview of the student council's, program board's and the course lecturer's CEQ comment.
Did you know that you can click a legend to remove the corresponding graph?
Get an overview of the mandatory courses in all the undergraduate civil engineer programs.
Explore different metrics and see how the courses perform toward eachother.
Explore any study year as far as back to study year 201516.
Did you know that you can click a legend to remove the corresponding datapoints or that you can hover a datapoint and see the course name?
Be curious and tinker around with the public API.
Get any final report.
Get more data than what is shown on this website.
Any ideas?
Much is to be done and implemented! If you feel that something in particular should exist on this site, I recommend that you shoot me an email!
Any bugs?
Bugs are something I obviously don't want, and it's very possible that I have overlooked something. Please, if you discover any bugs, send me an email.